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Nissan Diesel America is your best choice in light-duty and medium-duty commercial trucks. The UD name means quality. Our full line of Diesel powered light-duty andUD1 medium-duty trucks incorporate a simple design philosophy: Give owners a truck they can trust. This section will show you how this philosophy and our strengths and expertise make our trucks the best on the market.

UD TRUCKS have become the chassis of choice for many applications: refrigerated goods, towing and recovery, fuel oil, construction, building supply, air cargo, refuse/recycling, beverage, landscape and nursery, as well as P&D. Regardless of the application, UD TRUCKS operate dependably from coast to coast.UD2

UD TRUCKS attract customers seeking a new standard of maneuverability, comfort, durability and performance. Just as important, UD TRUCKS supports its products with a comprehensive parts and service system. To meet dealer and customer needs, Nissan Diesel America has Parts Distribution Centers in key locations for quick and dependable service. Extensive service training is made available to each dealership to ensure that technicians know how to properly service the full line of UD TRUCKS.

UD customers are choosing the best-built light- or medium-duty trucks in the world. Trucks that reflect precise, integrated engineering and manufacturing, exceptionally low maintenance and dependable performance plus the UD3maneuverability that improves productivity, and the reliability that keeps a business on the move. UD TRUCKS--with comfortable and functional cabs that drivers can operate effectively with design and construction focused on rugged performance, and the quality and workmanship that meet the American standard, the highest standard in the world.

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